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United Goju-kan News
October 24, 2021
United Goju-kan Karate-Do dojo from Kaneohe participating in 100 Kata, Oct. 24, 2021

February 22, 2014
Two Japanese Navy sailors Toshihiro Kojima (l) & Shiryu Kurihara (r) came to the PC Dojo Feb 22, 2014 to train with us.
Both are Kendo practitioners. We had a great time in self-defense. It was also Kojima-san birthday as well as mine.
We share a birthday cake that Farrah made and gave him my Lei from Athena. He was most appreciative.
They will be attending our Kaneohe dojo March 13th before sailing back home.
February 22 - 23, 2014
Feb 22 - 23, 2014
The Goju-Kan group attended a seminar with JKA Goju-Kai, Sensei Seiichi Fujiwara.

Seminar in HNL
Seiwa Kai North America President, Vassie Naidoo(r) and
Sensei John Paul Williams pose at a recent seminar in HNL.
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