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Goju Kan History

Goju-kan Karate History - 歴史

Goju-Ryu Karate was founded in the late 1920 s by Chojun Miyagi. He was born on April 25,1888 in Naha, Okinawa. His teacher was Kanryo Higaonna, the founder of then known as Naha-te. Higaonnas’ teacher was Chinese Kempo Master, Ryu Ryu Ko.

” Go ” means hard, and ” JU ” means soft, hence Goju Ryu is translated as ” Hard and Soft Style”. It is a blend of Okinawa-te (hard) and Shoalin kung fu (soft) with emphasis on the White Crane style. Other Chinese influences include Pakua Chang, I Chuan and Tai Chi Chuan, which Sensei Miyagi studied on several trips to the Chinese mainland.

Goju-Ryu is a close-range self defense system, characterized by circular blocks, joint manipulations and kicking techniques to lower body targets. Dynamic tension and proper breathing are major elements in its training, incorporated in many of its kata.

On October 8,1953, Sensei Miyagi died of either a heart attack (the most popular explanation) or a cerebal hemorrhage at the age of 65. Following this, four of his top senior students opened their own schools. Seko Higa carried on as Sensei Miyagi’s immediate successor, Meitoku Yagi formed the Meibukan, Seikichi Toguchi started the Shorei-kan and Eiichi Miyazato the Jundokan school. Later, in 1963, Meitoku Yagi would receive Miyagi Sensei’s gi and belt from his family along with the Menkyo Kaiden and officially become the head of the Goju-Ryu system.

An offshoot of the Okinawan Goju was that of Gogen Yamaguchi, who studied with Chojun Miyagi and promoted the style in Japan, forming the Japan Karate-do Federation Goju-kai. One of his students was Peter Urban, who introduced the Japanese Goju to the United States in 1959. Later forming the U.S.A. Goju Association. Gosei Yamaguchi, the son of Gogen, followed in 1964, moving to San Francisco and established the Goju-kai Karate-do U.S.A.

Around the 1950’s, Masachi Oshiro started the Goju-kai Hawaii dojo. One of the black belts from this school was Mateo Arnado, a 3rd degree senior who operated at the Kaneohe Honwangi Mission Dojo. It was here that Jann Aki started his learning’s at the age of 11, (1968). In November of 1980, Sensei Aki opened his 1st dojo in the back yard of his parents home. In 1986 a turning point in Sensei Akis’ life. He was asked to join the Kokusai Karate-do Goju-Kai, (IKGA), under the leadership of yet another Hawaii born student of Sensei Oshiro. His name was Tino Ceberano, who now lives in Australia. Sensei Tino appointed Sensei Aki to be Chief Instructor of the IKGA Hawaii branch. as of now, the IKGA is a multi-country organization.

Image by Joshua Sukoff

History continues…

In the year 1990, Kyoshi Tino went on his own to form the Kokusai Goju Karate-do, (IGK). In June of 1997, Sensei Aki was given the Instructor of the Year Award as a Goju Stylist. This award was given by the east coast World Karate Union Hall of Fame Organization in Pennsylvania. A mile stone in his years as an instructor. In July of 1998, Sensei Aki went to Australia to be promoted to the rank of Shihan, (5th degree black belt), and given a post seat as one of the board of directors of the organization. Sensei Jann’s prior ranks are as follows… Shodan rank in 1972 by the Goju-kai Hawaii branch and Nidan in 1975. The rank of Sandan in 1990 by the Kokusai Goju-kan, newly formed (IGK). And Yondan in 1994. By the year 1998, Sensei Jann was promoted to Godan. And given the title of “Shihan”. The grading was held in Australia.

Other areas of interest include. Awards in various tournaments in kata and kumite. Vice-President of the Hawaii Karate Congress for many years. To which Aki Sensei joined from 1981 to present. Head coach of the Hawaii team to Australia and New Zealand in 1991. Hawaii team coach to Canada 1995. Four years as Co-chairman of the Aloha State Games in Hawaii.

The IGKH has come along way from within a small dojo. And is now ready to expand itself after all these years. As things have settled and the need to move on has finally come. In May of 1998. Shihan Jann Aki, along with Sensei Warren Smith of New Zealand and Sensei Johnny Ross of Australia, came together as one group. Calling themselves the “United Goju-Kan Karate-do”.

As we combine our knowledge and prepare for the millinium. The year 2000 is upon us…

In July of 2000. The Goju-Kan had its first Gasshuku, which was held in Hawaii. Many participants from Australia, New Zealand, Japan the US mainland and Hawaii came to share and learn from one another. It was a great event for all. As a combination of people from different cultures and styles came together as one. In July of 2002. Shihan Jann and his daughter Leina’ala left Hawaii to visit and train with Renshi Johnny of Australia. A week long of training with a great day for grading that would end this trip. But it was not without meeting up with long time friends and enjoying the moments. This visit also warrented the opening of a NEW dojo in the Oakley area of Melbourne. Sensei Andrew (????) joined in as a new family member in the Gojukan. Sensei Andrew brings with him many years in Goju Karate. He also does the Filipino Arts of Escrima, the Balintiwak system under the leardership of Bobby Tabawada (????).




Shihan Jann’s daughter, Leina’ala got graded to Shodan while in Australia. She is the second child to accomplish this. As Johnathan, the eldest son got graded to Shodan in 1998 while in New Zealand. Shihan Jann’s youngest son, Kainoa has a few years to go for the Shodan rank.. Congadulations goes out to all of the students in Australia on a fantastic grading. To all the parents and friends, thank you for a great trip!After Australia, Shihan Jann and Leina’ala left for New Zealand for pretty much the same reasons. Renshi Warren and his dojo spend a week of hard updating training. And the seeing of good friends once again, we all coming together as one made this a very special trip. Long time seniors coming to support the NZ dojo was awesome. The grading of color belts was good. As with a Black Belt grading. Congradulations to all the students on a job well done. Special recognition goes out to Ramon Sorensen, Craig Fowler on their Shodan rank. And to Ocean Rind in becoming a Shoda-ho.We welcome to our Gojukan family. Renshi Jamie Toko, who joined up as a new dojo in Hamilton, New Zealand. Renshi Jamie along with Renshi Warren will develop NZ to be an awesome dojo. The joining of Jamie brings the Gojukan to having seven (7) dojos since starting in 1998.The year is NOT over yet…

Yes, it has been awhile nowsince we updated this page in 2002.

And as the year 2003 came and went, we found ourselves still doing the same things as before in this year, lots of training and making new friends. A few tournaments were entered by the students. And awards in Kata and Kumite were won. A good year!2004 is here. And we have many things on our plates. And as the year started us off in training, as always, and a few new get together’s were added. First, there was a Valentine’s Day night out with the parents at restaurant Kincaid’s. This is where sempai Kathy works as a manager. She insured that the night would be one that no one would forget… Fantastic!

Then in March, a visit to Australia was taken by Shihan Jann and his wife Louise.

Both an adventurous time as well as a great training week. We were able to meet new students and parents and catch up with old time’s friends. We also took a long road trip to Canberra to train with another Goju group and had wonderful dinners at our usual places. Training, grading and relaxing were all part of the love that Louise and I both have for the arts. Looking forward to next year when we may bring a group with us. BE READY!

July 2004 brings us to one of the busiest months ever. July 24, we had a Family Day on the Bay Food Booth Fundraising event. Sponsor participants from around the area, setting up games and events for the whole family to enjoy. Everything from boat rides to rock climbing. The Goju-kan sold hamburgers, chips and drinks. It was a great day as everyone had a fun time and we made a little money too. Our Gasshuku in July was the hi-lit of 2004. Everyone worked hard to put on a great seminar. Guest from Australia, California and Colorado as well as many participants from various schools from Hawaii were all there to enjoy the friendships and shared in the knowledge by a group of fantastic Sensei’s. The three day event ended with a Farewell and Awards Banquet. The food was awesome, as Shihan Jann and the Hombu dojo prepared all of tasty dishes.

Congratulations goes out to all those that took part in the Color Belt Grading.

There was also a Junior Black Belt Grading too.

Newly certified Junior Shodan-ho BB’s are…

Peter Gogis, Adam Nappa and Kainoa Aki all achieving JR BB Status.

There was also a Shodan grade that was achieved by Robert Tashiro. Great job guys!!!

Again, a big MAHALO to all of you. Could not have done it any other way.

See you in 2006. As August approached we started off finding ourselves still busy, delivering the Paradise Yellow Pages Phone Books, 7200 to be exacted. WOW! What an experience for all. Do we do it again? September brought us a long time no see friend from South Australia, Margaret Phillipson and her mother Myra came to Hawaii to relax soak up some sunshine. We had a chance to catch up with one another for some good old times stories. Thanks Margaret!

Yes, it has been awhile now since we updated this page in 2002.And as the year 2003 came and went, we found ourselves still doing the same things as before in this year, lots of training and making new friends. A few tournaments were entered by the students. And awards in Kata and Kumite were won. A good year!2004 is here. And we have many things on our plates. And as the year started us off in training, as always, and a few new get together’s were added.

First, there was a Valentine’s Day night out with the parents at restaurant Kincaid’s. This is where sempai Kathy works as a manager. She insured that the night would be one that no one would forget… Fantastic!

Then in March, a visit to Australia was taken by Shihan Jann and his wife Louise.

Both an adventurous time as well as a great training week. We were able to meet new students and parents and catch up with old time’s friends. We also took a long road trip to Canberra to train with another Goju group and had wonderful dinners at our usual places.

Training, grading and relaxing were all part of the love that Louise and I both have for the arts. Looking forward to next year when we may bring a group with us. BE READY!July 2004 brings us to one of the busiest months ever.

July 24, we had a Family Day on the Bay Food Booth Fundraising event. Sponsor participants from around the area, setting up games and events for the whole family to enjoy. Everything from boat rides to rock climbing. The Goju-kan sold hamburgers, chips and drinks. It was a great day as everyone had a fun time and we made a little money too.Our Gasshuku in July was the hi-lit of 2004. Everyone worked hard to put on a great seminar. Guest from Australia, California and Colorado as well as many participants from various schools from Hawaii were all there to enjoy the friendships and shared in the knowledge by a group of fantastic Sensei’s. The three day event ended with a Farewell and Awards Banquet. The food was awesome, as Shihan Jann and the Hombu dojo prepared all of tasty dishes.

Congratulations goes out to all those that took part in the Color Belt Grading.

There was also a Junior Black Belt Grading too.

Newly certified Junior Shodan-ho BB’s are…

Peter Gogis, Adam Nappa and Kainoa Aki all achieving JR BB Status.

There was also a Shodan grade that was achieved by Robert Tashiro. Great job guys!!!

Again, a big MAHALO to all of you. Could not have done it any other way.

See you in 2006.As August approached we started off finding ourselves still busy, delivering the Paradise Yellow Pages Phone Books, 7200 to be exacted. WOW! What an experience for all. Do we do it again?September brought us a long time no see friend from South Australia, Margaret Phillipson and her mother Myra came to Hawaii to relax soak up some sunshine. We had a chance to catch up with one another for some good old times stories. Thanks Margaret!

October we had yet another visitor not seen for a while. New Zealanders Corinthia and her family stayed here for 10 days to enjoy the local hospitality. We shared some stories as well to remember and laugh on. It was good to see them. A little training too to put a spark back in her. Awesome!

Yet more fundraisers planned for the Goju-kan even in the closing months of the year. Our goal… to take a trip to Australia. More news on this to follow.And now as we come to a close in 2004.

We are already planning our 2005 schedule.

Be ready, for the United Goju-kan Karate-do is on the move. History in the making…

Oss! Shihan Jann Aki

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United Goju-kan Hawaii

Goshukan Columbus
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